About Us

  • How long have you been in business? 14 years+ offline. 2 years online.
  • What makes you different from your competitors? We only use the highest quality materials at a reasonal price. Orders are dealt with personally, so you're not talking with a robot.
  • From where do you operate? We mainly operate in Texas.


  • Do you accept returns/exchanges (i.e., a replacement/repair for a minor fault or refund for a major fault)? Yes, within 30 days.
  • Do you allow refunds for a change of mind? If so, how long do customers have to contact you? Yes, as long as the product has not been shipped. Please contact us ASAP, before the item has shipped out.


  • To where do you ship? How long does it take you to process an order before it is dispatched? We ship Worldwide. For non-custom order, item will be usually ship the next day. Custom Orders will vary and can take up to 4 weeks to ship out.
  • Where are your packages shipped from? Most of our inventory are in Texas. Other suppliers will be located in the USA.
  • Do you ship packages internationally? Yes, however shipping is not free for orders outside of the US.
  • How long do orders take to arrive? Most orders arrive within 1-2 weeks.

Payment methods

  • What payment methods do you accept? All major credit cards, apple pay, paypal, and personal checks (email us for information).
  • Do you take payments over the phone? Unfortunately, we do not recommend doing this for our safety and will not be taking payments over the phone.


  • How do I contact you? Send us an email to: Jade@custommemorial.com or click on the chat button on the bottom right side.